Learning to love myself
I think one can use your products for breast enlargement, male or female alike, but I also think you can use the liquid and/or the capsules in a much lower dosage to simply balance your body with no or extremely small impact on your breast.
ight now I’m using the products to simply firm my breasts, when I reach the point of no return I’ll use it for their given purpose. Thank you for your answer the other day, I realize I need to tell a special story, it’s the story of me and a story of life and embracing life.
This is about living a life, living a true life. It’s about digging deep inside of myself to discover my true self, handle and accept that truth and to accept that living a true life is more important than living one where you are not true to yourself. These last years I really have developed, evolved as a human with all the benefits that bring. I could not have done this without help from my wonderful family, together we are always more than each of us added together.
During my journey I learned a lot, one of many, many things is that it’s the inner journey that really counts. Please, feel free to do your outside journey as well, life should be fun, but it is the inside-one that really counts. So you do not need to travel places around our globe, meet shamans and other enlightened people if you do not want. You have it all inside you free to discover for yourself at anytime, there lies all answers to any question you might have. It’s not easy to find it nor live it or even discover it, but therein lies it’s beauty. You’ll find it if you search for it and never give up.
We all live in a roller-coaster kind of life. They all contain a lot of different scenarios, but we all live them. During my personal development I have strongly realized that no one have an easy life, not even if they got it all and/or looks like they really love their life. We all have our cut out part of cons and pros (Note the order of these!) in life.
No one can tell how another human experience their life. You do not need to come from or been in a life and death situation like combat, terror or armed robbery to feel that your life is difficult, it all comes down to where you are on the scale. Some can handle huge difficulties while others can’t handle much at all, but they both experience that same amount of struggle and pain and to them this is hard.
I met one of my friends some years ago and he told me about his neighbor. Wealthy, several companies, international, you know, “got it all”-kind of person. But did he? He told my friend that his wife had passed away from 3 years fighting the big C and he realized that all his money and things couldn’t change that fact. He said: “What am I going to do now? I’ll gladly give all my money and stuff away if only my wife came back!”.
This stayed with me and I’ve been carrying it with me in my life to guide me and to help me.
Quite early I started to realize that we all have our mission for our life and that we all have all answers we need inside ourselves. Hard to find, but they’re there.
For me it is important to have a goal to aim at, but it is always the journey for that goal that is important, it’s the journey that teaches us everything, not the goal. Most of the times we do not even get close to our goal, but that doesn’t matter cause it is really the journey towards it that is the important thing. Often we do not know this and when we do or those of us that do understand this, often gets lost in transit. But there is no harm done if you always find your way back and never give up.
So, my personal story begins in about 2010 when I started to realize that things happened to my body that I needed to address. To me it came suddenly, but in reality it probably came slowly, I didn’t saw it until this time, that’s all.
I have found that I am highly sensitive, with all the cons and pros of that, but fear is a major part for most of us. Fear controls us all, but it is more pronounced in some, I’m one of those. But I have battled my fear and I’m winning!
All my life I have been very sensitive to the sun, easily burnt one day and looked like a pink pig only to be back on square one again two days after and go through the same again. Always in pain from sunburn.
I love being outside and need to be able to do so, but this has been a major problem for me for many years. And I’m not one that place myself on the beach to get a sunburn, I simply want to be able to move freely outside in summer, nothing else.
All of a sudden I got brown(-ish)! What? Well, can’t complain, finally no more problems with sun. Well, the normal recommendations for being in the sun, but anyway. What a relief.
But then I started to realize this wasn’t all, it was the tip of the iceberg.
The entire journey I’ve traveled so far in my life have given me something I can’t buy. Experience and knowledge. Empathy.
I’ve learnt how to defeat cancer, kill all kinds of unwanted germs, even MRSA ones. I’ve learnt how to keep my body on the top, that turmeric isn’t only for inflammatory conditions, but for keeping your entire body young, brain young and active, defeats vascular diseases, no danger for dementia… The list goes on, and on, and on…
If I hadn’t done this, sometimes painful and hard journey, I had never, ever gain this knowledge. So, no matter how difficult the transition from A to B was, I’m so happy for it and what I have with me today.
Change is almost never bad, the transition can be rough and hard, but B is almost every single time better than A.
This story really begins before my birth.
My mother’s father was an alcoholic, period on, period off, but always fell down the same hole again. My mother did it all, you who been in such a situation knows what I’m talking about. Begging, screaming, threaten, talk, almost hitting him, pretty much all there is, but to no avail, he didn’t change. He didn’t wanted to. This was late 60’s and he was diagnosed with cancer, prostate, one of the worst kinds of malign prostate cancer. It had spread to his liver and skeleton, pretty much a death sentence at this time. As many others, when he realized this was the end, he got sober. Probably in an attempt of ‘if I stop now I can roll everything back and my disease will be gone’-kind of thinking. He passed away spot on the day 6 month after I was born.
Although I never really met him I have taken this with me on my personal life journey in the way that I do not want to end up the same way. I’m not talking about alcohol now, I talk about everything out there where I could be acting the same way when it really hurts me. I do not want to do the same fatal error in my life. If I encounter a problem I deal with it rather than fall for it and it consumes me. The fact is that the problem never will be easier over time to defeat, deal with it when it first stare you in your face and you’re better off.
For me the iceberg included a lot of cons as well. Here are where my real development starts, and this is about 3-4 years back.
To start with, I'm a quite straight male, no more weird that most others. At least that’s what I think of myself. There are a lot more issues too, but there’s too much to analyze them all, simply know I’ve done my homework thoroughly!
First issue is my hair, I started to lose hair. I can't stand being bald. So it was time to see my doctor/physician. Never been keen for the artificial drugs, though. He did some tests, no danger found, he didn't know what to do. No underlying cause for danger was all I wanted to hear, but my problems continued. He could give me Rogaine, but 50% don't respond to it and the always (synthetic drugs) occurring side effects... No, I told him that I wanted to try the natural way if he could back me up and do some tests and check so nothing bad happened, and he said OK. Besides, Rogaine only helps my hair, but what of the rest of my body? Prostate? Heart?
Two other major issues, among a lot of others, was that my sexuality changed for the worse as well as signs for future illnesses arose, possibly untreatable once started, and the later part wasn’t fun to hear.
Of course, no one could say it’s going to happen, but the warning signs were and are there. So better to be safe than sorry.
So, first found Saw Palmetto. Tried them and my hair started to re-grow and my body felt better too. Not as good as I wanted but a good start. Been using it for 4 years now, and all well. The last 3 years, much have happened that forced me to discover more of the wonderful world of herbs, fruit and berries, roots and colloidal silver, too. So, after reading site after site, book after book, I started to use fennel seeds, grinded, every day. And now my body responded the way I want, all of a sudden most things work as they should again. Am I lucky, oh yes. Use other herbs and roots as well, like turmeric and so on, but none have had the same impact as Saw Palmetto and Fennel. So, all well? Well, yes, but for one thing, the only "side-effect". Breast growth. Uuups...
Another round with my PH and, the truth is what it is. Could try a inhibitor to stop the growth, but that is even worse than Rogaine in the first place, so a big NO! So reality is either feel bad and face the oncoming sicknesses in the future, perhaps not even be able to take care of them by then, drugs or herbs alike, or have a top notch, full working body that slowly develop breasts.
The choice was and is easy. Thankfully I'm not one of those males that care that much of the male/female aspects, I rather like to think of us all that we are humans here to live a life and to do our very best in doing so. Many men even look better in female clothes, sometimes even better than a lot of women. The opposite is also true but not as taboo, women are “allowed” to dress in male clothes, not so the opposite. (Yet?)
One other thing is, I started to develop big abscesses over my body. It’s connected to the complete package of issues and the underlying cause, 99.99% DNA-based. My hair follicles goes berserk. Tried it all here too, from medications, both chemical as well as herbs, but no real help anywhere. Tried old remedies from my grandmother and so on. No, not working.
Found a site where others had the same issues with body hair (only body hair for them.) and try to shave it off. Tried and there was the solution for me. The fact that it works much better with my herb/fruit/berries/root-mix only show that it is the right way to go, but unfortunately not even that helped all the way. Yet another warning sign.
There are a lot of other issues as well, but all points to an underlying DNA-based problem that make my body unbalanced. And that this unbalance will get me into severe trouble with time, possibly even life threatening issues. Perhaps not treatable by then. Not fun. So I deal with it now when I can and take the “side-effects”, so far I only found one. (You decide if it is an “side-effect”, I do not really think it is, it’s natural.)
The fact that both cancer, mainly prostate, and vascular diseases runs in the family does not improve my situation, everybody says so and it is quite common knowledge today, in fact it is severe enough to start taking actions now when I still have the opportunity to fight them and be able to come out on top. I’m still happy that I got heads up in time and that there are real, and natural, help to get.
With the help of my PH I now know the level I need to be at when it comes to daily intake to make it work, did try to change to learn and see what happened, but the signs came back, only not as severe. So I stay on this level even though it is above the limit for my breasts, so they’ll grow. So far ½-1 inch/2-3 cm per year in circumference.
Came across your site and found the same herbs, fruits and all. Interesting. So, I tried your soap, cream and liquid with its companion, capsules. At first, didn't really know why I did but now know why as I explain soon. I wanted to see what happened. They started off a little too much on their way to man-boobs, perhaps more saw palmetto and fennel seeds could do the job, but why invent the wheel once again? You have all the ingredients needed in your products, especially for promoting breast growth. Perhaps one could take small amounts the help the body but not develop breasts?
My breasts now look more like I've been working out the last 20 years, and that is fine as long as I can keep them like that. I use your products today to fill my breast up where saw palmetto and fennel seeds don’t really seem to be able to work fully, today to look more male-ish. When the day comes, and I know it will, and they're too big, I rather like them full and good looking than sorry, floppy dog-ears hanging down. Then I’ll use your products to develop them fully instead. This is what I wanted to achieve with this try, and it worked. Not 100% male-ish, working out-style, there to round and the base is from a too wide area, but you really need to look closely and know what you’re looking for to be able to see it, and that is fine with me for now. Most see a male chest.
I would like to know what's the best way forward in this, as long as I can I only want to support the growth in a way so they are full, not sloppy and "man-boobs" looking. When they eventually reach the A/B-cup mark they could grow full at once, why wait? They won't shrink much, will they? Rather full and firm than two sad mushrooms.
I can’t help thinking of the man who lost a bet and got breast implants. He never had so many women that wanted to talk about his breasts, so who knows. It’s really to try to see everything from the positive side that matters.
All tell me that this is a personal thing, how your body responds. Some can’t even say estrogen without getting breasts (talking about males, here.) and others can go quite far with no or little change. My body seems to respond quite easily, so I know I face a future with small to ordinary, fully developed breasts.
Must say that I now know how to work with this in the future. And I can assure you, no one is more baffled than me in this. Never heard of this before, never, never, ever, ever thought it could happen, but it's not only my PH telling me this, others have too, even outside the medical world. So, somewhere I need to start trusting them, I guess.
I have read it all, tried it all. All worlds, classic medicine (Did try some, but it didn’t help.), acupuncture, ayurveda, meditation, homeopathy, grandmas’ old recipes…, you name it.
No help with my body of what I told you above, though, they all say it's probably 99.99% DNA-based, my PH do not want to do the tests necessary, he say that even if they did they don't know really what to look for, this is really unusual.
So what do you do when you’re faced with the life issue/problem of your life; ‘develop breasts’ or ‘become sick’?
For me this is not a hard question. I have a life to live and I want to live a full life in every aspect. It’s about me and my life and, especially, my rich, inner life the question is about, and it’s not hard to chose.
At first I had some issues dealing with this, but one day my mom came and asked what was nagging me, I explained. What she said amazed me!
“So what if you develop breasts, is that such a big of a problem? I have two and live with them every day. (Here I started to try a really bad attempt of “you’re female”-thing, but I lost this battle quite fast…) Don’t give up your life for such a small thing, embrace it and be proud of who you are. It’s about living your life!”.
So, to all you out there, I’ll say this: We are all humans and some of us are tall, some short, some are this, yet others that, some are male, some female, some transitioning. Some are healthy, some are not. But we are all humans! There are more differences among all us humans than there are stars in the universe, and there are a lot of them! (Aprox 1000 billion times 1000 billion, what I’ve heard.)
Most women have breasts, some don’t. Most males do not have them, some do. Some even get their own cause they want to. Some get them no matter what they want. Don’t stop anything from living your own, true life! Embrace life and what’s in it, you might get surprised, it might be fun! No matter, make it fun, and when problems come your way, it always does, take care of it and evolve. Gain experience. This is how we grow.
I am going to discover a new world that I never have had a opportunity to experience in normal circumstances, why not do it the best way possible and also have fun? While doing so I will make the full of it, and love me for the one I am, cause no matter what I do I can never escape my inside and there is where it all is. A change of my outer body won’t help, I can’t escape myself only embrace me and learn and develop. It’s about trying to be positive, that’s why I use cons first and pros second, you’ll live the last thing you focus on, and pros is the better alternative. All the best. M
This is about living a life, living a true life. It’s about digging deep inside of myself to discover my true self, handle and accept that truth and to accept that living a true life is more important than living one where you are not true to yourself. These last years I really have developed, evolved as a human with all the benefits that bring. I could not have done this without help from my wonderful family, together we are always more than each of us added together.
During my journey I learned a lot, one of many, many things is that it’s the inner journey that really counts. Please, feel free to do your outside journey as well, life should be fun, but it is the inside-one that really counts. So you do not need to travel places around our globe, meet shamans and other enlightened people if you do not want. You have it all inside you free to discover for yourself at anytime, there lies all answers to any question you might have. It’s not easy to find it nor live it or even discover it, but therein lies it’s beauty. You’ll find it if you search for it and never give up.
We all live in a roller-coaster kind of life. They all contain a lot of different scenarios, but we all live them. During my personal development I have strongly realized that no one have an easy life, not even if they got it all and/or looks like they really love their life. We all have our cut out part of cons and pros (Note the order of these!) in life.
No one can tell how another human experience their life. You do not need to come from or been in a life and death situation like combat, terror or armed robbery to feel that your life is difficult, it all comes down to where you are on the scale. Some can handle huge difficulties while others can’t handle much at all, but they both experience that same amount of struggle and pain and to them this is hard.
I met one of my friends some years ago and he told me about his neighbor. Wealthy, several companies, international, you know, “got it all”-kind of person. But did he? He told my friend that his wife had passed away from 3 years fighting the big C and he realized that all his money and things couldn’t change that fact. He said: “What am I going to do now? I’ll gladly give all my money and stuff away if only my wife came back!”.
This stayed with me and I’ve been carrying it with me in my life to guide me and to help me.
Quite early I started to realize that we all have our mission for our life and that we all have all answers we need inside ourselves. Hard to find, but they’re there.
For me it is important to have a goal to aim at, but it is always the journey for that goal that is important, it’s the journey that teaches us everything, not the goal. Most of the times we do not even get close to our goal, but that doesn’t matter cause it is really the journey towards it that is the important thing. Often we do not know this and when we do or those of us that do understand this, often gets lost in transit. But there is no harm done if you always find your way back and never give up.
So, my personal story begins in about 2010 when I started to realize that things happened to my body that I needed to address. To me it came suddenly, but in reality it probably came slowly, I didn’t saw it until this time, that’s all.
I have found that I am highly sensitive, with all the cons and pros of that, but fear is a major part for most of us. Fear controls us all, but it is more pronounced in some, I’m one of those. But I have battled my fear and I’m winning!
All my life I have been very sensitive to the sun, easily burnt one day and looked like a pink pig only to be back on square one again two days after and go through the same again. Always in pain from sunburn.
I love being outside and need to be able to do so, but this has been a major problem for me for many years. And I’m not one that place myself on the beach to get a sunburn, I simply want to be able to move freely outside in summer, nothing else.
All of a sudden I got brown(-ish)! What? Well, can’t complain, finally no more problems with sun. Well, the normal recommendations for being in the sun, but anyway. What a relief.
But then I started to realize this wasn’t all, it was the tip of the iceberg.
The entire journey I’ve traveled so far in my life have given me something I can’t buy. Experience and knowledge. Empathy.
I’ve learnt how to defeat cancer, kill all kinds of unwanted germs, even MRSA ones. I’ve learnt how to keep my body on the top, that turmeric isn’t only for inflammatory conditions, but for keeping your entire body young, brain young and active, defeats vascular diseases, no danger for dementia… The list goes on, and on, and on…
If I hadn’t done this, sometimes painful and hard journey, I had never, ever gain this knowledge. So, no matter how difficult the transition from A to B was, I’m so happy for it and what I have with me today.
Change is almost never bad, the transition can be rough and hard, but B is almost every single time better than A.
This story really begins before my birth.
My mother’s father was an alcoholic, period on, period off, but always fell down the same hole again. My mother did it all, you who been in such a situation knows what I’m talking about. Begging, screaming, threaten, talk, almost hitting him, pretty much all there is, but to no avail, he didn’t change. He didn’t wanted to. This was late 60’s and he was diagnosed with cancer, prostate, one of the worst kinds of malign prostate cancer. It had spread to his liver and skeleton, pretty much a death sentence at this time. As many others, when he realized this was the end, he got sober. Probably in an attempt of ‘if I stop now I can roll everything back and my disease will be gone’-kind of thinking. He passed away spot on the day 6 month after I was born.
Although I never really met him I have taken this with me on my personal life journey in the way that I do not want to end up the same way. I’m not talking about alcohol now, I talk about everything out there where I could be acting the same way when it really hurts me. I do not want to do the same fatal error in my life. If I encounter a problem I deal with it rather than fall for it and it consumes me. The fact is that the problem never will be easier over time to defeat, deal with it when it first stare you in your face and you’re better off.
For me the iceberg included a lot of cons as well. Here are where my real development starts, and this is about 3-4 years back.
To start with, I'm a quite straight male, no more weird that most others. At least that’s what I think of myself. There are a lot more issues too, but there’s too much to analyze them all, simply know I’ve done my homework thoroughly!
First issue is my hair, I started to lose hair. I can't stand being bald. So it was time to see my doctor/physician. Never been keen for the artificial drugs, though. He did some tests, no danger found, he didn't know what to do. No underlying cause for danger was all I wanted to hear, but my problems continued. He could give me Rogaine, but 50% don't respond to it and the always (synthetic drugs) occurring side effects... No, I told him that I wanted to try the natural way if he could back me up and do some tests and check so nothing bad happened, and he said OK. Besides, Rogaine only helps my hair, but what of the rest of my body? Prostate? Heart?
Two other major issues, among a lot of others, was that my sexuality changed for the worse as well as signs for future illnesses arose, possibly untreatable once started, and the later part wasn’t fun to hear.
Of course, no one could say it’s going to happen, but the warning signs were and are there. So better to be safe than sorry.
So, first found Saw Palmetto. Tried them and my hair started to re-grow and my body felt better too. Not as good as I wanted but a good start. Been using it for 4 years now, and all well. The last 3 years, much have happened that forced me to discover more of the wonderful world of herbs, fruit and berries, roots and colloidal silver, too. So, after reading site after site, book after book, I started to use fennel seeds, grinded, every day. And now my body responded the way I want, all of a sudden most things work as they should again. Am I lucky, oh yes. Use other herbs and roots as well, like turmeric and so on, but none have had the same impact as Saw Palmetto and Fennel. So, all well? Well, yes, but for one thing, the only "side-effect". Breast growth. Uuups...
Another round with my PH and, the truth is what it is. Could try a inhibitor to stop the growth, but that is even worse than Rogaine in the first place, so a big NO! So reality is either feel bad and face the oncoming sicknesses in the future, perhaps not even be able to take care of them by then, drugs or herbs alike, or have a top notch, full working body that slowly develop breasts.
The choice was and is easy. Thankfully I'm not one of those males that care that much of the male/female aspects, I rather like to think of us all that we are humans here to live a life and to do our very best in doing so. Many men even look better in female clothes, sometimes even better than a lot of women. The opposite is also true but not as taboo, women are “allowed” to dress in male clothes, not so the opposite. (Yet?)
One other thing is, I started to develop big abscesses over my body. It’s connected to the complete package of issues and the underlying cause, 99.99% DNA-based. My hair follicles goes berserk. Tried it all here too, from medications, both chemical as well as herbs, but no real help anywhere. Tried old remedies from my grandmother and so on. No, not working.
Found a site where others had the same issues with body hair (only body hair for them.) and try to shave it off. Tried and there was the solution for me. The fact that it works much better with my herb/fruit/berries/root-mix only show that it is the right way to go, but unfortunately not even that helped all the way. Yet another warning sign.
There are a lot of other issues as well, but all points to an underlying DNA-based problem that make my body unbalanced. And that this unbalance will get me into severe trouble with time, possibly even life threatening issues. Perhaps not treatable by then. Not fun. So I deal with it now when I can and take the “side-effects”, so far I only found one. (You decide if it is an “side-effect”, I do not really think it is, it’s natural.)
The fact that both cancer, mainly prostate, and vascular diseases runs in the family does not improve my situation, everybody says so and it is quite common knowledge today, in fact it is severe enough to start taking actions now when I still have the opportunity to fight them and be able to come out on top. I’m still happy that I got heads up in time and that there are real, and natural, help to get.
With the help of my PH I now know the level I need to be at when it comes to daily intake to make it work, did try to change to learn and see what happened, but the signs came back, only not as severe. So I stay on this level even though it is above the limit for my breasts, so they’ll grow. So far ½-1 inch/2-3 cm per year in circumference.
Came across your site and found the same herbs, fruits and all. Interesting. So, I tried your soap, cream and liquid with its companion, capsules. At first, didn't really know why I did but now know why as I explain soon. I wanted to see what happened. They started off a little too much on their way to man-boobs, perhaps more saw palmetto and fennel seeds could do the job, but why invent the wheel once again? You have all the ingredients needed in your products, especially for promoting breast growth. Perhaps one could take small amounts the help the body but not develop breasts?
My breasts now look more like I've been working out the last 20 years, and that is fine as long as I can keep them like that. I use your products today to fill my breast up where saw palmetto and fennel seeds don’t really seem to be able to work fully, today to look more male-ish. When the day comes, and I know it will, and they're too big, I rather like them full and good looking than sorry, floppy dog-ears hanging down. Then I’ll use your products to develop them fully instead. This is what I wanted to achieve with this try, and it worked. Not 100% male-ish, working out-style, there to round and the base is from a too wide area, but you really need to look closely and know what you’re looking for to be able to see it, and that is fine with me for now. Most see a male chest.
I would like to know what's the best way forward in this, as long as I can I only want to support the growth in a way so they are full, not sloppy and "man-boobs" looking. When they eventually reach the A/B-cup mark they could grow full at once, why wait? They won't shrink much, will they? Rather full and firm than two sad mushrooms.
I can’t help thinking of the man who lost a bet and got breast implants. He never had so many women that wanted to talk about his breasts, so who knows. It’s really to try to see everything from the positive side that matters.
All tell me that this is a personal thing, how your body responds. Some can’t even say estrogen without getting breasts (talking about males, here.) and others can go quite far with no or little change. My body seems to respond quite easily, so I know I face a future with small to ordinary, fully developed breasts.
Must say that I now know how to work with this in the future. And I can assure you, no one is more baffled than me in this. Never heard of this before, never, never, ever, ever thought it could happen, but it's not only my PH telling me this, others have too, even outside the medical world. So, somewhere I need to start trusting them, I guess.
I have read it all, tried it all. All worlds, classic medicine (Did try some, but it didn’t help.), acupuncture, ayurveda, meditation, homeopathy, grandmas’ old recipes…, you name it.
No help with my body of what I told you above, though, they all say it's probably 99.99% DNA-based, my PH do not want to do the tests necessary, he say that even if they did they don't know really what to look for, this is really unusual.
So what do you do when you’re faced with the life issue/problem of your life; ‘develop breasts’ or ‘become sick’?
For me this is not a hard question. I have a life to live and I want to live a full life in every aspect. It’s about me and my life and, especially, my rich, inner life the question is about, and it’s not hard to chose.
At first I had some issues dealing with this, but one day my mom came and asked what was nagging me, I explained. What she said amazed me!
“So what if you develop breasts, is that such a big of a problem? I have two and live with them every day. (Here I started to try a really bad attempt of “you’re female”-thing, but I lost this battle quite fast…) Don’t give up your life for such a small thing, embrace it and be proud of who you are. It’s about living your life!”.
So, to all you out there, I’ll say this: We are all humans and some of us are tall, some short, some are this, yet others that, some are male, some female, some transitioning. Some are healthy, some are not. But we are all humans! There are more differences among all us humans than there are stars in the universe, and there are a lot of them! (Aprox 1000 billion times 1000 billion, what I’ve heard.)
Most women have breasts, some don’t. Most males do not have them, some do. Some even get their own cause they want to. Some get them no matter what they want. Don’t stop anything from living your own, true life! Embrace life and what’s in it, you might get surprised, it might be fun! No matter, make it fun, and when problems come your way, it always does, take care of it and evolve. Gain experience. This is how we grow.
I am going to discover a new world that I never have had a opportunity to experience in normal circumstances, why not do it the best way possible and also have fun? While doing so I will make the full of it, and love me for the one I am, cause no matter what I do I can never escape my inside and there is where it all is. A change of my outer body won’t help, I can’t escape myself only embrace me and learn and develop. It’s about trying to be positive, that’s why I use cons first and pros second, you’ll live the last thing you focus on, and pros is the better alternative. All the best. M