The Desire to Grow Breasts in Males and Females
The Desire to Grow Breasts in Males and Females
Whether you are male or female, loving your body is a very important part of your everyday life. While females may have breasts, there may be the feeling that they are not large or full enough, so they desire something more substantial. The same can be said about males, for whom enlarged breast size is not given by birth.
Be it for reasons of confidence or feeling as though you don’t have the body you want, there are many possible solutions available to you. This can seem rather daunting as the sheer number of options, each with their own pros and cons, seems to keep growing. So, let’s look at several different methods of encouraging breast growth in both men and women: pumping, herbs, hormones/birth control and surgery.
Breast Enhancement Pumps
While being the slowest method of breast enlargement, breast enhancement pumps are a safe and effective way of increasing breast size in both men and women. Pumps are especially useful to those that may be concerned with the use of pills or other “chemical” supplements. Results with this method generally take about 6 months to a year, but some people do report size increases in only a few short months.
Pumps come in either electronic or manual versions. Electronic pumps are more expensive but are much easier to operate. For those looking for non-invasive forms of breast enhancement and can commit to this method for the recommended time of use, a pump system may be for you.
Breast Enhancement Herbs
Natural breast growth with herbs is probably one of the most used forms of natural breast enhancement today. Most importantly, these products, if obtained from a reputable source, are safe for consumer use. No surgery, no cutting and no huge bill for thousands of dollars is a definite bonus. There are four primary functions of herbs to increase breast size through key ingredients.
Phyto-estrogens increase natural estrogen levels, key to breast growth. Phyto-progestins perform a similar function, though do affect the breast differently, namely by causing the rounding of the breast. Anti-androgens are key to blocking testosterone, specifically, DHT from testosterone. In doing so, this creates more room for estrogen and less room for testosterone. Finally, there is prolactin. If you’ve had children, you may recognize this word. Prolactin is responsible for milk production in the breast, but in women that aren’t lactating, this causes the mammary glands to swell, which will become permanent over a given period of time.
All of these key hormones are naturally present in the body, so there is no concern of taking something that could harm you. Of course, you could use multiple methods at once to grow your breasts such as herbs and pumps. Do what works for you and your body.
Hormones & Birth Control
When it comes to birth control, the exact effects are a little more difficult to determine. Many types/forms or birth control contain hormones found in breast enhancement herbs, but because the specific goal of birth control is different than that of breast enhancement herbs, oftentimes, the results can be too. Some women may even report breast reduction while taking some form of birth control or another.
Unfortunately, it’s more of a mixed bag with medications like this. They may or may not increase your breast size but they can also be accompanied by a torrent of side effects, some good and some bad. It is always very important to consult a physician and/or a pharmacist regarding birth control drugs and what they may do to your body. If something doesn’t work, don’t lose hope.
Another important aspect that many people forget is that the biology of each individual is different from the next. What doesn’t work for you may work for someone else and vice versa. When attempting a physical change by nonsurgical means, specifically, medications…listening to what your body tells you is very important.
Surgical Breast Enhancement
Let’s be frank about this option; there will typically be a very positive outcome, but there can be some serious risks. No one truly wants to go under the knife. There can be complications from the anesthesia alone, not to mention as the surgery itself is being performed. The primary benefit to increasing breast size in this manner is that you have some control over how big or small your breasts will actually be.
With hormones and herbs, it could be no cup size or it could be a change of 2 cup sizes – it all depends on the biology of the individual. Having breast augmentation surgery also removes the months – long commitment that it can take if you are relying on pumps, pills or other supplements. This surgery does not only carry health risks but can leave you with visible scars and breasts that look less than natural.
Having larger breasts yields more confidence and plenty of other benefits, given motivations for doing so. Looking not just to the end result, but rather keeping your eyes on the journey it takes to get there is extremely important. It’s far safer to use pumps or herbs than it is to have yourself put in the dangerous position of surgery.
There is always a chance there will be an error, infection, or even implant rupture. There will also be down time after surgery, which will be painful, especially early on. You may still hear that many people think they need to have their breast implants changed after 10 years or so. This is just not true. Simply put, there is no time limit on implants. If something is wrong and they fail, then they need changed. When opting for surgery, this is a risk you must be willing to accept.
Ultimately, the decision falls to what kind of sacrifices you are willing to make. Do you want larger breasts as soon as possible or are you content with developing them more naturally over a period of time?
Choosing Your Method
Now that you have learned about the various methods of breast enlargement, for both men and women alike, be sure to take some time to decide upon your preferred method of achieving these results.
Clearly, one of the safest and least costly methods is by supplementing with herbal options. Just remember, all herbal supplements are not created equally. NatureDay’s organic herbal product line offers a proven, superior quality product selection that you can always trust.