What to Take When You Start Feeling Sick

What to Take When You Start Feeling Sick
Most people can tell when they are starting to get sick. It may be a stuffy nose or a tickle in your throat. Maybe you are nauseated. However, when those first signs show up that you may be getting sick, it’s time to take care of yourself. With the right mix of rest, fluids, and an immune system booster or two, you may be able to beat the illness faster as well as lessen the severity of the symptoms while you have them.
There are many ways to treat common illnesses. If you are looking for a more natural way to get over the bug, top herbal supplements may be able to help. Whether you want to get over a cold faster or you want to get much-needed rest, this list of herbal supplements should get you started on the right track.
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid, more commonly known as Vitamin C, is a great immune system booster. In fact, it is one of the best and has been used for decades as a way to get over a cold faster. But it doesn’t just have to be a cold. Any illness your body is fighting may find it has met its match once you start taking enough Vitamin C. You may want to take a supplement, or you can always increase your Vitamin C intake through the foods and drinks you consume.
Zinc is vital as an immune system booster. It is already within every cell of your body and it helps to create the white blood cells your body needs to fight off an illness. If you boost your intake of zinc through foods or take a supplement, this immune system booster can help you get over a cold faster, fight the flu, and more.
Oftentimes, it is difficult to get a decent rest when you are sick because you aren’t comfortable. The aches and pains, the cough, and other symptoms may interfere with proper sleep. Sleep and relaxation are very important when fighting an illness so chamomile can help you do that. You can drink chamomile tea, use a lotion with chamomile, or use a bath product with chamomile in it. This is a top herbal supplement for many reasons as it helps you recuperate during an illness, can reduce stress, and more.
If you are nauseous, it can be hard to find something that will work to relieve it. However, the scent of pure peppermint essential oil can calm your stomach. If you are suffering from the aches and pains associated with the flu and other illnesses, a peppermint bath can also help relieve those annoying symptoms. Menthol and other essential oils can be combined to increase the efficacy of the peppermint.
Valerian Root
Just like chamomile, Valerian Root can help you to sleep peacefully while your body works to get over a cold faster. In fact, if you need to sleep for any reason, Valerian Root may be able to help. It is often used by those who work graveyard shifts so they can sleep during the day as the human body is not programmed to do that.
Echinacea has many beneficial properties. Not only is it an immune system booster, but it can help relieve many symptoms that people experience during the common cold, the flu, an infection, and more. In fact, echinacea may also be able to help relieve symptoms of some chronic illnesses and conditions. You may want to give this a try if your symptoms are making you uncomfortable or it is hard to get through the day.
Holy Basil
The muscle and joint pain felt as your body is fighting off a germ can be miserable. It can keep you from resting peacefully and can make you feel weak and tired. There are ways you can help to relieve the discomfort and Holy Basil is a top herbal supplement when trying to get over a cold faster. The aches and pains of the flu can subside with the use of Holy Basil but it does work differently for everyone. Even the aches associated with workout routines and some chronic illnesses can be helped by this supplement.
This is one of the top herbal supplements for a reason. There is a lot that Maca can do, especially when you are sick. It helps to boost your Vitamin C, which in turn boosts your immune system. It can also help to give you a bit of energy if you are lethargic. Those with anemia also benefit from Maca as it can help stabilize iron levels.
Ginseng is a great supplement and has many benefits for a lot of people. Ashwagandha is known as “Indian ginseng” and it helps with nearly as many symptoms of illnesses as ginseng itself. It can help your body to feel a bit better so you can get moving again once the worst of the symptoms have passed. It is an adaptogen that can help your body deal with the stress of trying to heal itself.
This is another one of the top herbal supplements that are little more obscure. However, this herbal supplement has been used as a homeopathic medicine as far back as ancient China. It is a great immune system booster which is great if you are battling an illness. However, it may even have benefits for the heart as well. This is still being studied but many people have reported that it has helped keep heart disease in check and others have said it has kept it from affecting them.
While there are many over-the-counter medications that are popular when you are trying to get over a cold faster or you need to relieve symptoms when you have the flu, supplements work very well for many people. In fact, they usually have little or no side effects and are a more natural way to treat your illness. Top herbal supplements can be used as an immune system booster and more so if you feel you are starting to get sick, then these may be the right choice for you.
Keywords Used:
- Immune system booster (0.7%)
- Top herbal supplements (0.43%)
- Get over a cold faster (0.72%)